Sunday, November 23, 2008

Job Search Adventure

We received some really exciting news Friday, Bill has an interview on December 4 with a large construction company. This just so happens it is for the very job that he applied for the day he was laid-off. Coincidence? Fate?

Also, he is also now officially "in the system",,, the Unemployment system that is. Although we have not received that first check yet, but we understand it is "in the mail" which is a miracle knowing how he fought with their website (we all know Bill has the paitence of Jobe). We are not concerned yet but just in case our search for a second income continues:

Just in case, keeping all of our options open.

PLEASE pray for us...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, no wonder why we're not in the loop- I haven't checked your blog in a while. We're keeping our fingers crossed for Bill. I love the McD's pic- funny! We miss you guys!